
Words from Psalms 118:5-6,14,22; 115:3-8; 109:22-25, Revised Scrambled Version

Music by Howard Ashby Kranz

          Am               D                G                                       Em

1. In my distress I called Adon; Adon answered and set me free

           C                         D                G            C        D

With Adon on my side I do not fear; what can mortals do to me?

                   G                                                                C          D       G C G

Chorus: Adon is my strength and my song, who has become my salvation

                      G                                                      D                      G

              The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.

              Am       D             G        Em

              O the cornerstone, O the cornerstone

                      G                                                      D                      G

              The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.

          Am                     D                G                         Em

2. For our God lives in heaven, and does whatever she pleases.

         C                         D                          G           C        D

Their idols are made of silver and gold, the work of mortal hands

                 C                             D                    G                                  Em

They have eyes but they do not see; they have mouths but they cannot speak,

           C                                  D                 G          C             D

And those who make them are like them, and so are those who trust in them.



          Am                   D                   G                         Em

3. For I am poor and needy, and my heart is stricken within me.

           C                              D                 G        C       D

I am gone, like a shadow at evening; like a locust, I am shaken off.

        C                             D              G                        Em

My knees are weak from fasting, my body has become gaunt.

            C                                   D                        G    C            D

I am an object of scorn to my accusers; when they see me, they shake their heads.




     Am                     D                       G                             Em

4. This is the day Adon has made, let us rejoice in it and be glad.

  C                       D                      G        C     D

This is the day Adon has made, let us rejoice in it and be glad.

