Ironic Idealism

Howard Ashby Kranz

Jim Feldman


Audio Recordings



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Videos with Lyrics and Great Art

When Sally Laughs The Blowfish Writhes
Cats Eye The Blowfish Writhes
Jabez Jones Cooper Street Band
At the Edge of the World At the Edge of the World
Eddie's Song Hearing Voices
Personal Afterlife Through the Cats Eye
I Believe in the Gospel The Blowfish Writhes
Daily Courage The Blowfish Writhes
I'd Be That Meadow paintings by Mary Buckley

"Sacred and Profane" Lyric Videos
from Walker Church Concert 9/27/2018

Great Art
According to Zeke My creation myth.
Big Bang the beginning of the universe as observed by a reluctant participant
Saints and Soldiers paintings by Mary Buckley
Photographs of Grace paintings by Mary Buckley
Holy Smoke
My Short Life lyrics by Gerry Bretzke and Howard Kranz
Bye Bye Jesus
Those Gay Guys (Are Wrecking Our Marriage)
She's a Negotiator
Rock and Roll Demon This really happened.

Howard Kranz and Jim Feldman
Concert at Walker Church
January 24, 2018.

Hey, I'm Dancing by Howard
I'd Be That Meadow by Howard
Dinosaurs' Dream by Howard
Beyond Me and You by Jim
Goofus and Gallant kj by Howard
Junkman Haul Away My Heart kj by Howard
Doggietown kj by Jim
The Dykes of Las Vegas kj by Howard
Autumn Light f by Howard
Stan's Song ke by Jim
You Help Me to Believe ke by Howard
Fiscal Policy Blues by Howard
The Web by Howard
Eddie's Song by Howard
Hearing Voices by Howard
Tomorrow's Light (Carrie On) by Jim
Someone Else ke f by Howard
Getaway Day ke by Jim
Enough by Howard
Ignorance is Large kj by Howard
You're Gonna Reject Me kj by Howard
Heart Of My Heart kj by Howard
Every Somethin' needs some Nothin' kj by Jim
Grow Old With Me kj by Jim
Only Love kj f by Howard
When Sally Laughs kj by Howard
Living on Mars kj by Howard
Everybody's Moon kj ke by Howard

kj Songs with Karl Jones
ke Songs with Kent Eklund on piano
f Songs where Jim plays the flute

Howard Kranz and Jim Feldman
Concert at Walker Church
October 22, 2016.

Miranda *
Tell Me the Story *
Confidence f
Below Casa Pacifica
Home to Roost
And Luck
In the Depths
Nother Penny in my Pony
To a Donor
Bad Guys
Job Creators
Strange Angels
The Best of Us
Another Me
The Wealth and the Wanting
Those Gay Guys
At The Edge of the World *
Just Let It Slide * f
Singer * f
Ms Deity
God is Whatever
I Love Myself
Everybody's Moon
* Songs with Kelly Waterman on cello
f Songs where Jim plays the flute
All words and music written by Howard except the lyrics to In the Depths by Jim

Merry Miscellanies

Currency Carol Howard and Jim in a special performance during the 2015 Christmas Season at Walker Church.
My ZYXes Sing it both ways.